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Posts from the ‘fishing’ Category

Calendar by Ann Trainor Domingue!

This is my first calendar and I am excited to let you see it just before it is ready for sale! I am distributing it through one venue only– Kennedy Gallery and Custom Framing located at 41 Market Street in Portsmouth, NH. Please call to reserve yours at 603-436-7007 or send email to

The calendar is quite different from standard art calendars in that I have included a story and inspiration behind each artwork to let you in on the behind the scenes work and thought process of each of 12 frameable images. Several images are also available as blank notecards and prints also only available at Kennedy Gallery. Just ask, they will be happy to help. See sample page below.

Thank you for your interest in the calendar. the image above shows the 12 different artworks included in the 2021 calender. This will make a great gift for someone who loves art and the thinking behind an art work.

Lesson learned: Take a risk and the rest will work itself out in due time.

Fish Tale Come True

Fishermen are famous for fish stories. But not this one. Bill Sisson, Editor-in-Chief of AnglersJournal at was true to his word. A stroll in downtown Portsmouth, NH resulted in this collaboration of poetry and art. Poetry by Elizabeth Bishop  (available as a podcast in this link), was in the process of acquiring approvals to be published in an issue of Anglers Journal. My artwork happened to be on display at Kennedy Gallery in Portsmouth when Bill walked by already thinking about imagery to support Elizabeth’s poem, ‘At the Fishhouses’. Serendipity happens. He walked in to the gallery, viewed more of my work and asked for contact info. I was thrilled to receive the phone call and quickly said yes to this collaboration with such a prestigious author. I had not known her or her work but loved it when I read the verse. Almost as though it was meant to be.

My series of artworks featuring fishhouses began with my first painting workshop trip to Monhegan Island with painter Stan Moeller in 2003. The two fishhouses on the beach began a years-long semi-obsession with what they represented for me–two stalwart structures standing strong year-round, constantly being shored-up to withstand whatever came their way. As two people might also do.

67407 Moonlight Friends sm

Thank you Bill and Anglers Journal for patiently going through the years long process of receiving approvals to publish Elizabeth’s work. And especially for giving me, Ann Trainor Domingue, this unique opportunity to be paired with a giant in the poetry world.

Lesson learned: Do the work, show the work. You just never know. 

‘Along the Waterfront’ opens Friday

Along the Waterfront one page promo

Afloat at the End

Definitely in boat mode in the studio today. I have so much reference material from my residency on Cape Cod this past summer. I felt compelled today to dig into my sketchbooks and select imagery to push further along. I started several small format works on various media–panels, canvas and paper. Just one of those high energy, high result days in the studio. Looking forward to seeing where all these starts lead. This piece is titled, “Afloat at the End”, obviously a boat at the end of a pier but suggests that maybe it is getting ready to go somewhere–or maybe just came back. Either way it is still seaworthy and ready for another day. 5×7, acrylic on paper, Afloat at the End.  Afloat at the End 5x7 acryl paper sm

Ann Trainor Domingue art

Messy, uncommon, friendly contemporary landscape paintings inspired by the New England landscape

The Heartbeat of Haverhill

Good News from A Great City Haverhill, MA

Brain4Rent's Blog

Scanning the world through a marketer's eyes and sometimes just regular old human eyes.

Art Biz Success

Messy, uncommon, friendly contemporary landscape paintings inspired by the New England landscape


Messy, uncommon, friendly contemporary landscape paintings inspired by the New England landscape

Mary Byrom

Messy, uncommon, friendly contemporary landscape paintings inspired by the New England landscape


Messy, uncommon, friendly contemporary landscape paintings inspired by the New England landscape

Ann Trainor Domingue Art Blog

Insights about my messy, uncommon, friendly contemporary art

The Art Law Blog

Messy, uncommon, friendly contemporary landscape paintings inspired by the New England landscape

Urban Sketchers

Messy, uncommon, friendly contemporary landscape paintings inspired by the New England landscape